Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Rubrics for Apples

   161 Rubrics—Red and Green Apples—Possible Points: 20

I have used and filled the space well—the apples are not TOO SMALL, and composition is interesting.
4—Yes, completely true
3—Somewhat, mostly true
2—My apples are a bit small and the background is too extensive
1—Not so much

Paint Application:
My paint is thoughtfully and cleanly applied
2—Here and there, yes
1—Not so much—I need to work on this

Light and Darks (Contrast):
I have light lights and dark darks and middle tones and I have used the complementary colors to make my tones less gray.
4—Yes! The contrast is strong, the painting pops and I used complimentary colors
3—Either the darks or lights could be more contrasted
2—My tones are too similar and flatness results and I didn’t use complimentary colors to make my darks
1—I have not shown much contrast in my shading and there is no use of complimentary colors

My tonal jumps are not visible.
3—Here and there the tonal jumps can be noticed
2—Some jumps are obvious
1—Not smooth at all

My background enhances my painting.
4—Yes. It contrasts with the apples
3—Somewhat, yes…maybe could be lighter or darker to make the painting stronger
2—It neither hurts or helps the apples
1—My background is non- existent or problematic and does not help the painting

A= 17-20
B= 14-16
C= 8-13
D= 5-7


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